• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2016, Volume: 9, Issue: 20, Pages: 1-6

Original Article

Information System Success Disparity between Developer and Users


Background/Objectives: The purpose of this study is validating success factor perception disparity among system developer and two different system users by updated D&M (DeLone and McLean) IS (Information System) success model which has been widely studied and applied to business field by many researchers. Methods/Statistical Analysis: This research utilizes D&M model to developers who has at least one year work experience as system user, BOS (Back Office System) users and FOS (Front Office System) users to clarify disparity of IS success quality factors. For three different group analysis MSEM (Multi-group Structural Equation Model) is applied to this research to clarify quality perception disparity among groups. Findings: Since the result from MSEM analysis with ‘A bank’ data which has strict union regulations leading developers have at least one year user experience at front office or back office, the findings are comparable to other IS success research results especially meta-analysis. According to meta-analysis result, user satisfaction to intention to use is strong while result of this research is not significant which is supposed to be happened changing intention to use to perceived user usefulness because of mandatory system it is. Results of MSEM show perception disparities not only between developer and users but also between FOS user and BOS user. Improvements: This research proposes to development department should invest more resources not to internal service quality but information quality for FOS user, and BOS user decide the system’s usefulness by information quality. 

Keywords: Bank System, DeLone and McLean, Information System, IS Success, Multi Group Structural Equation 


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