• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2016, Volume: 9, Issue: 23, Pages: 1-12

Original Article

Robotics in Construction Industry


The robotization of on-site reinforcement mat preparation robot, interior/ floor finishing robot, quality inspection robot, drones for carrying loads and proximity detection sensors are considered. Costs and benefits of applying the proposed robot system for construction works are outlined and estimated. Conclusions regarding the profit obtained and time reduced of work performed by robot and its economic feasibility are drawn. Objectives: To analyse the efficiency usefulness of automation and robotics in construction, to measure cost effectiveness of automation in comparison to manual work practices and to improve safety and quality standards in construction using automation. Methods: By adopting the methods such as value estimation, payback period, return on investment and straight line method for each and every robot the cost parameter is analysed. Findings: Automated instruments are found to be efficient by reducing average time consumed for major activities by 57.85% of time taken, automated equipment’s are found to reduce cost incurred in net working cost by an average of 51.67% in comparison to cost incurred for performance by manual labor and Quality of output is greatly increased and cost incurred for rework and scrap is reduced by 66.76% by employing automation. Application Improvement: By utilizing these robots in real time constructions the various parameters such as time, cost and quality can be improved
Keywords: Automation, Cost, Robotics, Safety


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