• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2015, Volume: 8, Issue: 32, Pages: 1-4

Review Article

Wetland Wastewater Treatment System for Small City Suburbs – A Review


This paper deals with a conceptual idea of integrating natural wetlands into the infrastructure of a city or community for treatment of wastewaters that are generated. The paper deals with constructed wetlands and their role in treatment of wastewater. Following which the idea of how or rather why not can a natural wetland be integrated into the treatment infrastructure is discussed citing the various challenges that may come up when trying to put into action such a system and certain possible solutions that can be tried. This still being at the concept stage, lots more research into the finer details need to be done before such a concept can actually materialize.
Keywords: Phragmites, Root Zone Treatment, Wetlands 


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