• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2017, Volume: 10, Issue: 3, Pages: 1-9

Original Article

Design and Implementation of a Five Stage Pipelining Architecture Simulator for RiSC-16 Instruction Set


In modern computing, multitasking is the most favorable aspect. An un-pipelined instruction cycle (fetch-execute cycle) CPU processes instructions one after another increasing duration at lesser speed in completing tasks. With pipelined computer architecture, unprecedented improvement in size and speed are achievable. This work investigates the possibility of a better improvement to computer architecture through understanding the inner workings of instruction pipelining in operating system. A design of a 5 stage pipelined architecture simulator for RiSC-16 processors using Visual Basic programming has been achieved contrary to the common available four stage simulators. The simulator also future two most common pipeline instruction hazards generally missing in most available simulators. Thus, the designed simulator becomes an appropriate tool for understanding the concept of pipelining on a step-by-step visualization based instructioncycle processors hence facilitating a more efficient design in computer architecture. The simulator has been evaluated based on its closeness to real time pipelined computer architecture and through execution of all 8 basic RiSC-16 instruction set with data dependency and control hazard.

Keywords: Computer Processor & Architecture, Instruction Pipelining, RiSC-16 Simulator


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