• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2019, Volume: 12, Issue: 18, Pages: 1-12

Original Article

Information Management and Its Role in Supporting the Activities of Different Organizations and Sectors


Background/Objectives: The success of an organization depends on the amount of accurate, correct and clear information it has. This study aims at identifying the role of information in supporting the activity of different organizations and sectors; as well as the effectiveness of its role in achieving organizational goals. Methods/Statistical Analysis: The study followed the surveying descriptive approach depending on the previous studies in this subject. It is revealed through this study the effectiveness of the role of information as pivotal and essential in achieving organizational goals through sound administrative performance and rational decisions. The study used 18 of previous studies as references. Findings: The study clarified that the focus of organizations on exchanging knowledge, culture, and experience among individuals; as well as the different uses of information technology, fully integrates the elements of the overall structure of the organization, and leads to the use of them in making the right future predictive decisions in the right direction and on the right time. Improvements/Applications: The information managed by any organization includes both electronic and non-electronic information; therefore, the organizational structure must be able to manage and process all phases of the information lifecycle regardless of its origin and nature. 

Keywords: Information Life Cycle, Information Management, Information Science, Information Strategy, Information Systems


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