• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2016, Volume: 9, Issue: 39, Pages: 1-7

Original Article

Relationship of Type A Behavior Pattern and Psychosocial Stress with Fatigue Symptoms in Manufacturing Workers


Objectives: The present study was conducted to assess the relationship of Type A Behavior Pattern (TABP) and psychosocial stress with fatigue in manufacturing workers. Methods/Statistical Analysis: The subjects were 358 employees working in manufacturing industries with fewer than fifty persons. Data were collected through a survey using a structured selfadministered questionnaire. Findings: The degree of fatigue experienced by the subjects was significantly higher in the TABP group than in the Type B Behavior Pattern (TBBP) group, and was also significantly higher in the high-risk group of psychosocial stress. Moreover, fatigue Symptoms (MFS) had a significantly positive correlation with TABP and psychosocial stress level. TABP and psychosocial stress were major factors affecting the MFS. Improvements/Applications: These survey results suggest that the TABP and psychosocial stress was a profound related with MFS. 
Keywords: Fatigue, Stress, Type A Behavior Pattern, Worker


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