• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2021, Volume: 14, Issue: 2, Pages: 141-153

Original Article

Enhanced segmentation network with deep learning for Biomedical waste classification

Received Date:26 November 2020, Accepted Date:26 December 2020, Published Date:20 January 2021


Objective: To maximize the accuracy of classifying the medical wastage, an Enhanced Segmentation Network (EnSegNet) with Deep Neural Network-Trash Classification (EnSegNet-DNN-TC) is proposed in this article. Methods: Initially, a core trainable segmentation network called SegNet framework is proposed which uses the Encoder-Decoder Network (EDN) and a pixel-wise classification layer for image segmentation. The decoder is used to upsample its low-resolution input feature maps via max-pooling. Also, SegNet uses fewer parameters for training. The uncertainty inherent to the EDN is modeled by the Bayesian functions to segment the input images. But, this SegNet can sample a limited amount of pixels in the images. Hence, an EnSegNet is proposed that uses Content-Sensitive Sampling (CSS) to sample more pixels in the data-sparse regions and fewer pixels in data-dense regions. Once the segmentation is completed, the DNN is applied for classifying the wastage using the segmented images. Findings: The experimental results show that the EnSegNet-DNN-TC framework achieves 88% accuracy compared to the DNN-TC for considering 100 images of different categories of biomedical wastes from the trash image dataset.

Keywords: Biomedical wastage classification; deep learning; image segmentation; ResNext; encoder-decoder network


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